WATCH: COVID-19 Impacts to Gateway Communities webinar

Webinars, WGA News

The Western Governors’ Association hosted the webinar, COVID-19 Impacts to Gateway Communities, on Friday, June 12.

The webinar examined the impacts of COVID-19 to gateway community health and economies. Local, federal and state government leaders shared their experiences coordinating and responding to COVID-19 in gateway communities and public lands, and also explored impacts to National Park operations and management.

The conversation was moderated by Tara McKee, Program Manager, Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation. Panelists included:

  • Danya Rumore, Director of the Wallace Stegner Center Environmental Dispute Resolution Program, University of Utah
  • Jake Powell, Extension Specialist, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Utah State University
  • Darla Sidles, Superintendent, Rocky Mountain National Park.
  • Emily Niehaus, Mayor, City of Moab

This webinar was part of a series produced under the WGA Working Lands Roundtable. The Roundtable continues implementation of WGA’s natural resource-focused initiatives and serves as a vehicle for discussion on cross-boundary working lands management.

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